Courses will start on Wednesday October 5th at 8:25 am and finish on Saturday October 8th at noon.
The courses will cover theoretical and practical aspect of:
This training course will contain full lectures and practical sessions. Full classes will be done in the morning sessions and practical will be organized each afternoon in subgroups that will be rotating.
Participants may bring their own X-ray and cryo-electron microscopy data. Data collection and processing of solution structure by SAXS or X-ray diffraction will be available using the INSTRUCT CENTER - FRANCE 1 – IGBMC platforms.
A visit of the Center of Integrated Structural Biology of the IGBMC will be included in the workshop program.
This workshop will be couple to the meeting "Current Challenges in Integrated Structural Biology" (October 3 - 4, 2016, IGBMC, Illkirch). We strongly encourage participants of the workshop to attend the meeting.
Gleb Bourenkov - EMBL, Hamburg, Germany
Jean Cavarelli - IGBMC, Strasbourg Illkirch, France
Kay Diederichs - University of Konstanz, Germany
James Holton - UCSF, USA
Bruno Klaholz - IGBMC, Strasbourg Illkirch, France
Wladek Minor - University of Virginia, USA
Vincent Olieric - Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Suisse
Zbyszek Otwinowski - University of Texas, USA
Alexander Popov - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France
Harry Powell - MRC, Cambridge, UK
Michael Rossmann - Purdue University, USA
Bernhard Rupp - Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria
Helen Saibil - Birkbeck College, London, UK
Dmitri Svergun - EMBL, Hamburg, Germany
Tom Terwilliger - Los Alamos, USA
Andrew Thompson - SOLEIL Synchrotron, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Alexander Urzhumtsev - IGBMC, Strasbourg Illkirch, France
Marin van Heel, Leiden University, The Netherlands